Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
We love to hear from our clients, whether it is to hear something positive or negative about our service. We endeavour to improve at every opportunity and your feedback is invaluable. We can provide our feedback forms on request.
We take all complaints seriously and we acknowledge receipt within three days. Whether a complaint is lodged formally or informally, it will be reviewed by the CEO and reviewed at our board meetings. We undertake analysis, identify root causes, determine responses and consider learning and action we need to take. Either a full response or progress update will be sent to you within 20 working days.
Patients who are dissatisfied with the First Stage response, have the right to take the complaint to CEDR at:
CEDR, 3rd Floor
100 St Pauls Churchyard
Tel: 020 75203800
The complainant will need to complete the application form - available to download below. Once the completed form has been received, both parties will be contacted by the mediator to arrange a mediation date. This mediation will be a 3-hour call with Frailty Care, the complainant and mediator. The mediator supports and facilitates the parties to work together during this call to reach a resolution that they agree on.
Yes! Find the download link below.
Yes! We make a number of our policies directly available on our website ensuring we operate transparently and at your convenience. All our policies are available for download below.
Safeguarding Policy Adults and Children_Frailty Care (pdf)
DownloadComplaints policy_Frailty Care (pdf)
DownloadConsent policy_Frailty Care (pdf)
DownloadEquality-diversity-and-inclusion-policy_Frailty Care (pdf)
DownloadInformation Governance_Frailty Care (pdf)
DownloadMedicines Management and Prescribing policy_Frailty Care (pdf)
DownloadQuality management policy_Frailty Care (pdf)
DownloadFit and Proper Persons_Frailty Care (pdf)
DownloadGuidance-on-Mediation-for-Customers-Nov-21 (pdf)
DownloadPHMS-Application-Form-nov-21 (pdf)
DownloadClient Feedback (pdf)
DownloadICO Registration Certificate - ZB648990 (pdf)